Continued high demand for lemons and red apples in the GCC countries with limited availability for both these commodities. There are still Turkish lemons available in the market, but the quality is not very good.

Continued downward trend on South African pears due to a high volume that has made arrival and low demand for pears in the market.

1.00 USD = 3.67 AED (Emirate Dirham)
1.00 USD = 3.75 SAD (Saudi Riyals)
1.00 USD = 87.51 BDT (Bangladeshi Taka)
1.00 USD = 77.56 INR (Indian Rupees)
1.00 USD = 15.87 ZAR (South African Rand)


The overall packing on citrus has picked up, however, volumes are still down to the Middle East on all citrus.

The packing of Navels has started to pick up with more growers packing, however, total volumes shipped YTD to the Middle East is still 94% down. Soft citrus is down by 68% compared to the same period last season.

By the end of week 19, there was a decrease of -43% lemons shipped to the Middle East compared to the same period last season.

Due to the delays in the picking/packing from the Eastern Cape, some Eastern Cape growers have decided to give preference to packing soft citrus rather than lemons.  The main reason is that the soft citrus can’t be left on the trees for too long and needs to be packed and shipped as soon as possible, as it has a shorter lifespan than “hard citrus” such as lemons and oranges.

Market update

There is a high demand for South African lemons due to the limited volume currently available.

In general, there is an overall shortage of citrus and soft citrus volumes from South Africa in the market. However, the Middle East has a sufficient supply of Egyptian Valencias and mandarins from Egypt, Spain, and Morocco. Spain and Morocco are at the end of their soft citrus season. 

Market Prices (Dubai and Kuwait)


Combined apple shipments from both Chile and South Africa to the Middle East are down by -4% compared to the same time last season.  There continues to be a shortage of red apples due to commitments on EU/UK programs that need to be fulfilled and at high price levels.

In South Africa, the packing of Red apples, Pink Lady, and Cripps Pink is currently taking preference over the packing of other varieties such as Granny Smith and Golden Delicious that will only be packed again in the next 2-3 weeks.

Market update

High volumes of pears have made an arrival in the Middle East market with prices that have dropped considerably due to the high volume and low demand. 

Continued high demand for Royal Gala apples with limited availability from South Africa and Chile.

Market Prices (Dubai and Kuwait)

Grape, Stone & Kiwi Fruit

Update on Kiwi Fruit and a market update in the GCC countries

High volumes of kiwi fruit from Iran in the Dubai market. Customers from Saudi Arabia are buying directly from Dubai due to good quality and low-price levels selling between $7.35-$8.15 (sizes 18-20) for 9-10kg. More volume of kiwi fruit is being sent from Iran to the Dubai market due to India that has stopped kiwi fruit shipments from Iran. Kiwi fruit from Italy is also available in the Dubai market with good quality and low-price levels selling at $4.90 (sizes 30-33) for 10kg.

The market is supplied with Kiwi fruit from Iran and Italy. The first Kiwi fruit from Chile should start making an arrival in the Middle East market next week. About 7% of Chilean kiwi fruit has been shipped to the Middle East YTD.

Market Prices (Dubai and Kuwait)

India / Bangladesh


Good quality Packhams are selling at a loss of $8 per carton on peak sizes. Vermont/Forelle is still stable.

Flash Gala is also selling at a loss due to every man and his dog having the same brand with a variety of quality (good and bad quality in the same brand). The brand strategy for Flash Gala will have to change to differentiate between good and bad suppliers. Flash Gala volumes to India have increased by more than 500%. Good colour Royal gala is making money on the smaller sizes, as there are limited volumes.


Exchange rates and LC deposit fees are making it even more expensive to import fruit. Goldens prices are picking up and Royal Gala prices are stable. Sales are slower than normal due to inflationary pressures as well as the local Mango crop is in.

PPECB Statistics

Decofrut Statistics

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