The Middle East market has turned for valencia oranges from South Africa showing positive market trends and price levels. Customers were anticipating a good end to the late season valencias once Egypt was out of the market, and this has happened.

Continued increase in demand for Polish and Serbian Royal gala apples.

1.00 USD = 3.67 AED (Emirate Dirham)
1.00 USD = 3.75 SAD (Saudi Riyals)
1.00 USD = 102.01 BDT (Bangladeshi Taka)
1.00 USD = 81.54 INR (Indian Rupees)
1.00 USD = 17.00 ZAR (South African Rand)

Citrus & Mango

High demand for South African valencias in the Middle East Market with limited availability and no competition from other countries who are out of the market.

Market update

Continued increase in demand, sales, and market price levels for South African valencias with less volume available. The market is only supplied with valencias from South Africa.

Mangoes – South Africa

The packing of mangoes up north will begin next week (week 48) with the first variety Tommy Atkins being packed.

Peru started their mango season in week 46 and is expected to end in week 12 (beg-mid March). The quality is very good, and the crop is expected to be 25% higher this season.

Market update

The Middle East market is currently supplied with Mangoes from Yemen, Egypt, and Kenya.

Market Prices (Dubai, Kuwait and Jeddah)


Continued increase in demand for Royal Gala apples to the Middle East.

Market update

Continued increase in demand, sales, and price levels for Royal gala apples from Poland, Serbia, and Italy.

Although price levels are still high for the late CA season of pears from South Africa, there has been a slight drop in the market price levels from week 46-47.

Market Prices (Dubai, Kuwait and Jeddah)

Grape, Stone, Kiwi Fruit, Cherries


In South Africa, more of the early grapes have been sent to the local market after the recent rain and hail up north in the Marble Hall and Groblersdal areas. Producers don’t want to take any chances with the shelf life of their grapes and want to ensure that the quality meets the required standard before exporting. 

There is a high demand for grapes in Europe and the European market is empty as Peru have sent a higher volume of their grapes to the USA this season. Peru has become a competitor for South Africa in most markets.

Market update

The Middle East market is supplied with grapes from Turkey. There is a demand for red globe grapes from Peru, however Peru are sending their first grapes to China and USA at high price levels due to the limited volumes available.  The Middle East will compete with these countries for grapes from Peru at high price levels.  There is currently a strike in Peru, and this has delayed packing and shipments.  The volumes on red globe grapes will pick up from week 50/51(mid-December).

Stone Fruit

The packing of the Alpine variety of Nectarines has started slowly, however this variety is one size smaller (count 23) and this due to the colder weather.

Volumes on peaches are slow at this stage and are expected to pick up in mid-December.

There is an increase in the Apricot crop, however sizing is peaking on medium size fruit. 

On plums, growers are waiting for the Pioneer variety to start up. Up until this week, the Suplum 25 variety was packed, however sizing is smaller on this variety and peaking on size B and C.


The Middle East market is supplied with cherries from Argentina and South Africa at competitive prices. Chile will need to be at these same price levels to compete in the market. There will be a higher demand for cherries from Chile for arrival from mid-January onwards when South Africa is out of the market and Argentina is at the tail-end of their season. 

Market Prices (Dubai, Kuwait and Jeddah)

India / Bangladesh


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