Update on the market in the GCC countries 

High demand for late season Forelle/Vermont Beauty pears from South Africa in the GCC countries, however the market remains under pressure for Apples from the Northern Hemisphere except for Green apples due to the shortage from Italy. The market is oversupplied with Cherries from South Africa, resulting in lower price levels due to higher competition in the market. The first Cherries from Argentina will start to make arrival.

1.00 USD = 3.67 AED (Emirate Dirham)
1.00 USD = 3.75 SAD (Saudi Riyals)
1.00 USD = 110.26 BDT (Bangladeshi Taka)
1.00 USD = 83.33 INR (Indian Rupees)
1.00 USD = 18.81 ZAR (South African Rand)


Citrus fruit – In general

No report.

Market update

No report.

Market Prices (Dubai, Kuwait and Jeddah)


Pome fruit

Lower demand in markets across the Globe for Northern Hemisphere Apples and Royal Gala due to higher volumes that are available.

Market update

The market remains under pressure for Royal Gala Apples due to high volumes in the market, however Granny Smith Apples are showing positive market trends with high price levels due to Italy being down on volume this season. High demand with high price levels for late season Forelle and Vermont beauty pears due to no competition in the market.

Market Prices (Dubai, Kuwait and Jeddah)

Grape, Stone, Kiwi Fruit

 Grapes -South Africa             

In the Northern Cape, the packing of the Early Sweet and Prime seedless varieties are at the tail-end and packing should finish by next week (week 49). From week 50, the packing of the next varieties will start such as Sugraone, Midnight Beauty, Sable, and Tawny varieties.   

Market update                        

Egypt is at the tail-end of the season and will be out of the market by the beginning of December, and then there is only Lebanon in the market until South Africa and Peru (early harvest)  make arrival in December.   By the end of week 47, volumes from South Africa to the Middle East were down by 57% on sea shipments compared to the same period last season.

Stone Fruit – South Africa 

By the end of week 47 volumes exported from South Africa to the Middle East was down by 4% on plums, 29% on peaches, 47% on apricots, while nectarines was up by 100% compared to the same period last season.  

Market update  

The market is supplied with Stone fruit from South Africa, Australia, and Italy (Plums).


The packing of the last Cherries from South Africa is expected to end at the beginning of week 50, and volumes are estimated to be less from next week (week 49).  By the end of week 47, volumes from South Africa to the Middle East increased by 40% compared to the same period last season.  In Chile, the Cherry season is delayed, and volumes are 50-60% less compared to the same period last season, and it is anticipated that the season will end sooner as volumes will not be there. The last packing of Lapins and Regina varieties will be targeted for China for shipping in weeks 52-1-2  for arrival pre Chinese New Year on 10 February with high price levels. Other countries will be competing with China for Cherries at the end of December – beginning of January at high price levels.

Market update 

The Middle East market is supplied with higher volumes of Cherries from South Africa, resulting in a decrease in price levels. Argentina have started with their first Cherries. 


In the Komatipoort/Malelane area there is a lot of heat damage, and the crop in the Hoedspruit area is about 3 weeks later than the previous season.  The season will start by week 49-50 for export. The fruit is still not cutting at the right maturity; however, if the fruit is at the right maturity level by next week, packing will commence and the first shipping for export should be in week 50. Sizing is currently small (count 10/12) with some size 9, however rain is predicted this week in the Northern areas, and this will have a positive effect on the fruit sizing. Currently fruit is being sent to the local market. There will be a high demand for Mangoes to Europe/UK this season due to the shortage of Mangoes worldwide, due to Peru and Ecuador being short this season. 

Market update

The Middle East is supplied with Mangoes from Egypt, Kenya, and Australia. 

Market Prices (Dubai, Kuwait and Jeddah)

India / Bangladesh


No report.


No report.

SA Statistics

Decofrut Statistics

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