The South African fruit industry is concerned about this season’s export of pear and citrus volumes to Russia.  High volumes of pears and citrus fruit are exported from South Africa into Russia. Critical decisions and strategies will need to be made on how to absorb this volume into other countries.

There has been a downward trend in price and demand for South African pears in the GCC countries. Although there is still a good demand for lemons from South Africa, this can change in the coming weeks with the volume being diverted from Russia to the Middle East and other countries.

1.00 USD = 3.67 AED (Emirate Dirham)
1.00 USD = 3.75 SAD (Saudi Riyals)
1.00 USD = 86.06 BDT (Bangladeshi Taka)
1.00 USD = 76.27 INR (Indian Rupees)
1.00 USD = 15.36 ZAR (South African Rand)


Current lemon volumes being packed for Russia are being diverted to other markets.

There is a major concern for the South African citrus industry in terms of the Russian market that contribute to around 75% of South African shipments.  Weekly shipments and mostly conventional vessels are loaded for Russia from all South African ports from mid-April until the end of the citrus season.

Market update on Citrus from South Africa

Increase in demand for lemons from South Africa in the GCC countries. However, volumes might increase in the coming weeks due to lemons being diverted from Russia to other countries. The first season “early lemons” has started to make an arrival in Dubai.

Market Prices (Dubai and Kuwait)


Summer pear volumes are at the tail-end with the last week of packing before the winter Forelle/Vermont Beaut varieties begin in week 10/11. 

21% of South African pear volumes are exported to Russia and there is a growing concern about what will happen to this volume of pears, especially Packham and Abate Fetel pears. 

Market update

During week 9, there has been a downward trend in both demand and price levels for pears in the GCC countries and this can be contributed to vessels making arrival at the same time.

The GCC countries will continue to maximise on Royal Gala volumes from Europe and Poland until the season ends. Export/shipment of Polish apples should be until mid-April and then the local market in Poland will receive more apples until June.  However, there is talk that export might continue until June or later. The first Royal Gala from South Africa has made its arrival in Dubai at high price levels.

Continued high price levels for Northern Hemisphere Granny Smith and Golden Delicious apples in the market.

Market Prices (Dubai and Kuwait)

Grape, Stone & Kiwi Fruit

Update on Stone fruit and a market update in the GCC countries

Plum volumes shipped to the Middle East were down by -8% at the end of week 8 and this can be contributed to logistical problems with shipping lines having limited equipment and vessel opportunities to the Middle East.

Low price levels and demand for South African plums in the GCC countries. There is a downward trend in the price for Nectarines, however, price levels have increased for Peaches in the Dubai market.

Update on Grapes and a market update in the GCC countries

By the end of week 8, there was an increase of 24% shipped YTD on all grape varieties to the Middle East compared to last season.

A downward trend in price levels for the white grapes from South Africa, however, Red globe grapes remain at a high level in the Dubai market.

Update on Kiwi Fruit and a market update in the GCC countries

Chilean harvest of the new season Kiwi fruit is expected to start at the end of March/beginning of April.

During week 9 the market trends in Dubai have been unstable for both prices and demand on Kiwi fruit.

Dubai market is supplied with Kiwi fruit from Italy, Iran, and China. The price level for the Gold variety from China dropped by just over $1.00 and selling at $11,00 (3kg).

Market Prices (Dubai and Kuwait)

India / Bangladesh


The plum market is still under pressure due to plums coming in from Dubai. Apple market is stable for good quality Italian apples. Pear market is good due to low volumes, bulking of vessels could cause problems in the coming weeks. Packham market could come under pressure if Exporters/growers divert the Russian Packham volumes to India.


The market is currently flooded by many products like Egyptian oranges that are driving the prices down.

There are also still large volumes of Chinese apples available, resulting in slow movement within the market. Other varieties available are Red Globe grapes from Australia and Kuno easy peelers from Pakistan.

From a South African perspective, shipping capacity to Bangladesh is still under pressure with increasing demand for Royal Gala and Golden Delicious.

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